
In addition to building  the L&D team, I spent time instructionally designing company courses.

Below are examples of courses I built during my time as the head of training and development.

Note: Some links and videos have been redacted or changed for privacy reasons. This includes using placeholder videos and photos to protect privacy, as well as changing names and titles.

New Hire Training

This New Hire Training course was created in Articulate Storyline as an onboarding resource for a company. Onboarding is something near and dear to my heart, as I believe it sets the stage for an employee's success within an organization. When onboarding is overlooked, employees are left without the proper knowledge of how to succeed in their positions, advance in their careers, and relate to each other in the organization. This course was meant to serve as the first training new hires would receive upon their start date after meeting with an HR representative and getting a tour of the facilities and completing additional paperwork. Following this would be specific process and procedure training and department onboarding (featured below). Use the link above to access the review link for this course. The live link would be located on the company's Learning Management System for completion tracking and other criteria.

Note: Some links, photos, and videos have been redacted for privacy reasons; however, this course still functions on a technical level.

Employee Resources Hub

This Company Employee Resource Hub was designed in Articulate Rise to enhance the availability of important resources for this company. It provided easy access to guides previously distributed to new hires during the onboarding process, but important for all employees to access, understand, and utilize at any given time. Each mini-lesson introduced a unique topic in a format for a quick review. This course was meant to serve as a reminder to all employees of how to locate key company resources. The course outlined general resources for all employees and was located on the company LMS, which in this case was Articulate Reach. Select the link provided to go through the course to see how employees of this company would access the company intranet, learn how to book shared spaces, utilize conference room technology, submit training requests, and access other important resources.

Note: Some links, photos, and videos have been redacted for privacy reasons; however, this course still functions on a technical level.

Department Onboarding

This Engineering Onboarding course was made in Articulate Rise as department new hire training. New engineers would go through each lesson to get a better understanding of what to expect as they embarked on their journey. At the end of each lesson, resources were available to download and save for new engineers to have quick and easy future access. A strong onboarding is important for engineers to grow with the company, as well as become experts in their field. This course was also published on Articulate Reach and served as the second resource in the Engineering Learning Path, followed by their initial New Hire Onboarding (linked above). Click the link provided to go through the course to see how new engineers at this company would access general Day 1 engineering onboarding, along with important Week 1 Resources including Vault and Inventor processes.